
INA3221: Principle and Reliability of I2C Address Pin Connected to SDA and SCL

avatar ?? ? 提问时间: 2023-10-17 13:27:48 / 已解决
Part Number: INA3221


As described in datasheet of INA3221, when the address pin A0 is connected to power, ground, SCL and SDA, four device addresses can be obtained.

It is understandable to connect pin A0 to the power and ground, but what is the principle of connecting A0 to SCL and SDA to generate a new address, because SCL and SDA are also pulled up to the power. Is this method stable and reliable?
In addition, do we need to connect resistance in series when A0 pin is connected to power supply and ground?



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  • avatar Kailyn Chen
    回答时间: 2023-10-17 13:44:38

    Don't worry, there is no problem when A0 connected to SCL or SDA, this method is stable and reliable.

    You don't need connect resistor to GND or power supply , you could connect A0 to GND or power supply directly. 

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