- 描述:2MP 1/3 CIS SO
- 品牌: 安盛美 (onsemi)
- 交期:2-3 工作日
- 自营
- 得捷
- 贸泽
起订量: 1
- 库存: 0
- 单价: ¥237.66066
- +
- 总计: ¥237.66
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- 制造厂商 安盛美 (onsemi)
AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR 产品详情
The AR0231AT is a 1/2.7-inch CMOS digital image sensor with an active-pixel array of 1928Hx1208V. It includes LED Flicker Mitigation (LFM) that eliminates high frequency LED flicker from traffic signs and vehicle LED lighting and allows Traffic Sign Reading algorithms to operate in all light conditions. The AR0231AT uses the latest 3.0 micron Back Side Illuminated (BSI) pixel with ON Semiconductor�s DR-Pix� technology, which offers dual conversion gain for improved performance under all lighting conditions. It captures images in linear, HDR or LFM modes, and offers frame-to-frame context switching between modes. The AR0231AT also includes features that support ASIL B.
AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR所属分类:图像传感器,AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR 由 安盛美 (onsemi) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR价格参考¥237.660655,你可以下载 AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询AR0231AT7C00XUEA0-TPBR规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!
安盛美 (onsemi)
![安盛美 (onsemi)](https://uploads.9icnet.com/images/brand/logo/web-on_semiconductor.png)