The DRV5057A4QDBZT is a linear Hall effect sensor that respondsproportionally to magnetic flux density. The device can be used for accurate position sensing in awide range of applications.
The device operates from 3.3-V or 5-V power supplies. When no magnetic field is present,the output produces a clock with a 50% duty cycle. The output duty cycle changes linearly with theapplied magnetic flux density, and four sensitivity options maximize the output dynamic range basedon the required sensing range. North and south magnetic poles produce unique outputs. The typicalpulse-width modulation (PWM) carrier frequency is 2 kHz.
Magnetic flux perpendicular to the top of the package is sensed, and the two packageoptions provide different sensing directions.
Because the PWM signal is based on edge-to-edge timing, signal integrity is maintainedin the presence of voltage noise or ground potential mismatch. This signal is suitable for distancetransmission in noisy environments, and the always-present clock allows the system controller toconfirm there are good interconnects. Additionally, the device features magnet temperaturecompensation to counteract how magnets drift for linear performance across a wide –40°C to+125°C temperature range.
- PWM-Output Linear Hall Effect Magnetic Sensor
- Operates From 3.3-V and 5-V Power Supplies
- 2-kHz Clock Output With 50% Quiescent Duty Cycle
- Magnetic Sensitivity Options (At VCC = 5 V):
- A1: 2%D/mT, ±21-mT Range
- A2: 1%D/mT, ±42-mT Range
- A3: 0.5%D/mT, ±84-mT Range
- A4: 0.25%D/mT, ±168-mT Range
- Open-Drain Output With 20-mA Sink Capability
- Compensation for Magnet Temperature Drift
- Standard Industry Packages:
- Surface-Mount SOT-23
- Through-Hole TO-92