The ADXRS64x family of low noise, vibration rejecting yaw rate gyroscopes are drop-in performance upgrades to existing designs using the ADXRS62x family.
The ADXRS649BBGZ-RL is pin- and package-compatible to the ADXRS62x family and offers the highest rate of rotation sensing available with ±20,000°/sec and fast 3 millisecond (ms) startup for quick power cycling. This measurement range is extendable to ±50,000°/sec with the addition of an external resistor. It is ideally suited for applications where exceptionally wide measurement ranges are needed.
The ADXRS649BBGZ-RL is a complete angular rate sensor (gyroscope) that uses the Analog Devices, Inc., patented high volume BiMOS surface-micromachining process to make a complete gyro on one chip. An advanced, differential, quad sensor design rejects the influence of linear acceleration, enabling the ADXRS649BBGZ-RL to offer rate sensing in harsh environments where shock and vibration are present.
The output signal, RATEOUT (B1, A2), is a voltage proportional to the angular rate about the axis normal to the top surface of the package. The output is ratiometric with respect to a provided reference supply. An external capacitor is used to set the band-width. The measurement range is extendable to ±50,000°/sec by adding an external resistor.
Low power consumption (3.5 mA) enables very low power consumption, and ultrafast startup (3 ms) allows for quick power cycling of the gyro. At 10 samples per second, a pair of CR2032 coin cells can power the ADXRS649BBGZ-RL for three months.
A temperature output is provided for compensation techniques. Two digital self-test inputs electromechanically excite the sensor to test proper operation of both the sensor and the signal condi-tioning circuits. The ADXRS649BBGZ-RL is available in a 7 mm × 7 mm × 3 mm CBGA chip scale package.
- High vibration rejection over wide frequency
- Ultrafast startup: 3 ms
- Measurement range extendable to ±50,000°/sec
- 10,000 g powered shock survivability
- Ratiometric to referenced supply
- 5 V single-supply operation
- Z-axis (yaw rate) response
- −40°C to +105°C operation
- Self-test on digital command
- Ultrasmall and light (<0.15 cc, <0.5 gram)
- Temperature sensor output
- RoHS compliant
- Sports equipment
- Industrial applications
- Form stabilization
- High speed tachometry
(Picture: Pinout)