The HSP061-8M16 is an 8-channel ESD array with a rail to rail architecture designed specifically for the protection of high speed differential lines.
The ultra-low variation of the capacitance ensures very low influence on signal-skew. The large bandwidth and the low reflection make it compatible with 3.4 Gbps. The device is packaged in μQFN-16L with a 400 μm pitch, which minimizes the PCB area.
- Ultralargebandwidth:6.3GHz
- Ultralowcapacitance:0.6pF
- Lowtimedomainreflection
- Lowleakagecurrent:100nAat25°C
- Extendedoperatingjunctiontemperaturerange:-40°Cto150°C
- Packagesizeinmm:3.3x1.5x0.55
- RoHScompliant
- Benefits
- HighESDrobustnessoftheequipment
- Suitableforhighdensityboards
- Complieswithfollowingstandards
- MIL-STD883GMethod3015-7Class3B:
- 8kV
- IEC61000-4-2level4:
- 8kV(contactdischarge)
- 15kV(airdischarge)
- MIL-STD883GMethod3015-7Class3B: