The EMIF06-VID01F2 is a 6-line highly integrated array designed to suppress EMI / RFI noise in all systems subjected to electromagnetic interference.
The EMIF06-VID01F2 Flip Chip packaging means the package size is equal to the die size. Additionally, this filter includes ESD protection circuitry which prevents damage to the protected device when subjected to ESD surges up to 15 kV.
- HighefficiencyinESDsuppressiononinputspins(IEC61000-4-2level4)
- Verythinpackage:0.65mm
- Highreductionofparasiticelementsthroughintegrationandwaferlevelpackaging
- HighefficiencyEMIfiltering(-40dB@900MHz)
- Lowserialresistanceforcameraimpedanceadaptation
- Lowlinecapacitancesuitableforhighspeeddatabus
- OptimizedPCBspaceoccupation:2.92mmx1.29mm
- Highreliabilityofferedbymonolithicintegration
- Lead-freepackage