The MAX814/MAX815/MAX816CPA are high-accuracy microprocessor (μP) supervisory circuits that provide power-on reset, watchdog, and power-fail functions. They eliminate manual trimming and improve reliability in critical applications needing high-accuracy reset thresholds. The active-low RESET output is guaranteed to be in the correct state for VCC down to 1V. The reset comparator is designed to ignore fast transients on VCC. Reset thresholds are available for operation with a variety of 3V and 5V supply voltages. A 75μA maximum supply current makes the MAX814/MAX815/MAX816CPA ideal for use in portable equipment. All three devices are available in 8-pin DIP and SO packages. See the Selector Table below for a review of features.
- ±1% Worst-Case Reset Threshold Accuracy
- 4.8V, 4.7V, 4.55V, 3.03V, or Adjustable Reset Thresholds
- ±1% Low-Line Threshold Accuracy (MAX814) 60mV Above Reset Threshold
- 200ms Reset Time Delay
- Active-Low RESET Output
- Active-High RESET Output (MAX814/MAX816)
- 75μA Max Supply Current
- Guaranteed active-low RESET Valid to VCC = 1V
- Manual Reset Input
- ±2% Power-Fail Comparator
- Independent Watchdog with 1.56sec Timeout (MAX815)
- Power-Supply Glitch Immunity
- 8-Pin SO and DIP Packages
- Controllers
- Critical μP Monitoring
- Intelligent Instruments
- Medical Equipment
- Portable Battery-Powered Equipment
- Set-Top Boxes