The MAX16024LTBL+T and MX7574 are low cost, microprocessor compatible 8 bit analog-to-digital converters which use the successive-approximation technique to achieve conversion times of 4μs (MAX160) and 15μs (MX7574). The A/Ds are designed to easily interface with microprocessors by appearing as a memory location or I/O port without the need for external interfacing logic. Data outputs use latched, three-state buffer circuitry to allow direct connection to a microprocessor data bus or system input port. Operation is simplified by an on-chip clock, +5V power supply requirement, and low supply current (5mA max). The MAX16024LTBL+T provides major performance improvements over the AD7574 in accuracy and speed specifications as well as compatibility with TTL logic levels.
- Improved Second Source (MAX160)
- Fast Conversion Time: 4μus (MAX160), 15μs (MX7574)
- No Missing Codes Over Temperature
- Single +5V Supply
- Ratiometric Operation
- No External Clock Necessary
- Easy Interface To Microprocessors
- Avionics
- Digital Signal Processing
- High Speed Data Acquisition
- Instrumentation
- Process Automation
- Telecommunications