The AD650JNZ is a Voltage-to-Frequency Converter provides a combination of high frequency operation and low nonlinearity previously unavailable in monolithic form. The inherent monotonicity of the V/F transfer function makes the AD650JNZ useful as a high-resolution analog-to-digital converter. A flexible input configuration allows a wide variety of input voltage and current formats to be used and an open-collector output with separate digital ground allows simple interfacing to either standard logic families or opto-couplers. The linearity error of the AD650JNZ is typically 20ppm (0.002% of full scale) and 50ppm (0.005%) maximum at 10kHz full scale. This corresponds to approximately 14-bit linearity in an analog-to-digital converter circuit. Higher full-scale frequencies or longer count intervals can be used for higher resolution conversions. The AD650JNZ has useful dynamic range of six decades allowing extremely high resolution measurements.
- V/F conversion to 1MHz
- Reliable monolithic construction
- Input offset trimmable to zero
- CMOS or TTL compatible
- Unipolar, bipolar or differential V/F
- Available in surface mount
(Picture: Pinout)