The TLE42994V33 is a monolithic integrated low dropout voltage regulator, especially designed for automotive applications that need to be in ON state during the car's engine is turned off. An input voltage up to 45 V is regulated to an output voltage of 3.3 V. The component is able to drive loads up to 150 mA. It is short-circuit protected by the implemented current limitation and has an integrated over temperature shutdown. A reset signal is generated for an output voltage V Qrt of typically 3.1 V. This threshold can be decreased by an external resistor divider. The power-on reset delay time can be programmed by the external delay capacitor. The additional sense comparator provides an early warning function: Any voltage (e.g, the input voltage) can be monitored, an under-voltage condition is indicated by setting the comparator's output to low. Additionally, an Enable function permitting enabling/disabling the regulator is also included. In case the regulator is disabled it consumes less current than 1 uA.
- Output Voltage 3.3 V ± 2 %
- Output Current up to 150 mA
- Extreme Low Current Consumption In ON State
- Enable Function: Below 1 uA Current Consumption In OFF State
- Early Warning
- Power-on and Under voltage Reset with Programmable Delay Time
- Reset Low Down to V Q= 1 V
- Adjustable Reset Threshold
- Very Low Dropout Voltage
- Output Current Limitation
- Reverse Polarity Protection
- Over temperature Protection
- Suitable for Use in Automotive Electronics
- Wide Temperature Range from -40 °C up to 150 °C
- Input Voltage Range from -40 V to 45 V
- Green Product (RoHS compliant)
- AEC Qualified
- Robust Protection Features
- Wide Input Operation and Temperature Range
- Automotive General