The LM337SP series are adjustable 3-terminal negative voltage regulators capable of supplying in excess -1.5 A over a -1.2 to -37 V output voltage range. They are exceptionally easy to use and require only two external resistors to set the output voltage. Further, both line and load regulation are better than standard fixed regulators.
- OutputvoltageadjustabledowntoVREF
- 1.5Aguaranteedoutputcurrent
- 0.3%/Vtypicalloadregulation
- 0.01%/Vtypicallineregulation
- Currentlimitconstantwithtemperature
- Ripplerejection:77dB
- Standard3-leadtransistorpackages
- Excellentthermalregulation:0.002%/V
- 50ppm/°Ctemperaturecoefficient