The LD1117DTTR is a low drop voltage regulator able to provide up to 800 mA of output current, available even in adjustable version (VREF= 1.25 V). Concerning fixed versions, are offered the following output voltages: 1.2 V, 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 2.85 V, 3.3 V and 5.0 V. The device is supplied in: SOT-223, DPAK, SO-8 and TO-220. The SOT-223 and DPAK surface mount packages optimize the thermal characteristics even offering a relevant space saving effect. High efficiency is assured by NPN pass transistor. In fact in this case, unlike than PNP one, the quiescent current flows mostly into the load. Only a very common 10 μF minimum capacitor is needed for stability. On chip trimming allows the regulator to reach a very tight output voltage tolerance, within ± 1 % at 25 °C. The adjustable LD1117DTTR is pin to pin compatible with the other standard. Adjustable voltage regulators maintaining the better performances in terms of drop and tolerance.
- Lowdropoutvoltage(1Vtyp.)
- 2.85VdeviceperformancesaresuitableforSCSI-2activetermination
- Outputcurrentupto800mA
- Fixedoutputvoltageof:1.2V,1.8V,2.5V,3.3V,5.0V
- Adjustableversionavailability(VREF=1.25V)
- Internalcurrentandthermallimit
- Availablein±1%(at25°C)and2%infulltemperaturerange
- Supplyvoltagerejection:75dB(typ.)