The LD39015M15R series provides 150 mA maximum current with an input voltage range from 1.5 V to 5.5 V and a typical dropout voltage of 80 mV. It is stable with ceramic capacitors. The ultra low drop voltage, low quiescent current and low noise features make it suitable for low power battery-powered applications. Power supply rejection is 65 dB at low frequencies and starts rolling off at 10 kHz. Enable logic control function puts the LD39015M15R in shutdown mode allowing a total current consumption lower than 1 μA. The device also includes short-circuit constant current limiting and thermal protection. Typical applications are mobile phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs), cordless phones or similar battery-powered systems.
- Inputvoltagefrom1.5to5.5V
- Ultralow-dropoutvoltage(80mVtyp.at100mAload)
- Verylowquiescentcurrent(18μAtyp.atnoload,38μAtyp.at150mAload,1μAmax.inOFFmode)
- Verylownoisewithoutbypasscapacitor(29μVRMSatVOUT=0.8V)
- Outputvoltagetolerance:±2.0%@25°C
- 150mAguaranteedoutputcurrent