The DS3906U is intended for low resistance, small step-size applications. It contains three nonvolatile (NV), low-temperature coefficient, variable digital resistors that are capable of ohm and subohm increments when used in parallel with a fixed external resistor. All three of the DS3906's resistors have 64 positions (plus a high-Z state) with a pseudo-log response cleverly chosen to have a linear equivalent resistance when paired with an external resistor (see graphs below). The DS3906U also contains 16 bytes of user EEPROM that, in addition to the resistors, are controlled through an I2C-compatible serial interface. Three address pins allow up to eight DS3906s to be placed on the same I2C bus. The DS3906U can also be factory cutomized to provide a variety of transfer functions depending on user requirements. Contact for additional information.
- Three Programmable Resistors for Low Step-Size Applications (Ohm and Subohm)
- Resistor Settings are NV
- 16-Byte NV User Memory (EEPROM)
- I2C-Compatible Serial Interface
- Up to 8 Devices Can be Multidropped on the Same I2C Bus
- Low Power Consumption
- Wide Operating Voltage (2.7V to 5.5V)
- Operating Temperature Range: -40°C to +85°C
- Low Ohm, Fine Resolution Driver Control for LED Display Panels
- Low Ohm, Fine Resolution Instrumentation Control