The AD5220BNZ100 is a 1-channel 128-position Increment/Decrement Digital Potentiometer digitally controlled variable resistor (VR) device. This device performs the same electronic adjustment function as a potentiometer or variable resistor optimized for portable instrument and test equipment "push button" applications. A wide selection of end-to-end terminal resistance values ranging from 10 to 100kR addresses wide bandwidth to low power dissipation applications. The 10kR part offers 650kHz bandwidth while the 100kR device reduces power consumption to micro-watt levels. The chip select CS, count CLK and U/D direction control inputs set the variable resistor position. These control inputs are readily generated with mechanical or push button switches (or other contact closure devices). Internal power ON presets the wiper to midscale. Wipers increment to the end of the POT, no rollover to the other end occurs.
- Very low power
- Increment/decrement count control