The MAX5480BEEE is a CMOS, 8-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) that interfaces directly with most microprocessors. On-chip input latches make the DAC load cycle interface similar to a RAM write cycle, where active-low CS and active-low WR are the only control inputs required. Linearity of ±1/2 LSB is guaranteed, and power consumption is less than 500 μW. Monotonicity is guaranteed over the full operating temperature range. The MAX5480BEEE can be operated in either voltage-output or current-output mode. It is available in a small 16-pin QSOP package.
- QSOP-16 Package (same footprint as SO-8)
- Single +5V Supply Operation
- VOUT or IOUT Operation
- 8-Bit Parallel Interface
- Guaranteed Monotonic Over Temperature
- Low Power Consumption-100μA max
- ±1/2 LSB Linearity Over Temperature
- Digitally Adjusted Power Supplies
- General Purpose
- Portable Battery-Powered Instruments
- Programmable Gain
- RF Transmit Control in Portable Radios
- VCO Frequency Control