The DAC7654YT is a 16-bit, quad voltage output, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with 16-bit monotonic performance over the specified temperature range. It accepts 24-bit serial input data, has double-buffered DAC input logic (allowing simultaneous update of all DACs), and provides a serial data output for daisy-chaining multiple DACs. Programmable asynchronous reset clears all registers to a mid-scale code of 8000h or to a zero-scale of 0000h. The DAC7654YT can operate from a single +5V supply or from +5V and 5V supplies.
Low power and small size per DAC make the DAC7654YT ideal for automatic test equipment, DAC-per-pin programmers, data acquisition systems, and closed-loop servo-control. The DAC7654YT is available in an LQFP package and is specified for operation over the 40°C to +85°C temperature range.
- Low Glitch: 1nV-s (typ)
- Low Power: 18mW
- Unipolar or Bipolar Operation
- Settling Time: 12µs to 0.003%
- 16-Bit Linearity and Monotonicity: -40°C to +85°C
- Programmable Reset to Mid-Scale or Zero-Scale
- Double-Buffered Data Inputs
- Internal Bandgap Voltage Reference
- Power-On Reset
- 3V to 5V Logic Interface
- Process Control
- Closed-Loop Servo-Control
- Motor Control
- Data Acquisition Systems
- DAC-per-Pin Programmers