The CY7C65215-32LTXI is a full-speed USB Controller enables seamless PC connectivity for peripherals with dual-channel serial interfaces such as UART, SPI and I²C. It also integrates CapSense and BCD, which is compliant with the USB Battery Charging Specification Rev. 1.2. It integrates a voltage regulator, oscillator and flash memory for storing configuration parameters, offering a cost-effective solution. It supports bus-powered and self-powered modes and enables efficient system power management with suspend and remote wake-up signals. It supports BCD for Peripheral Detect only and complies with the USB Battery Charging Specification Rev. 1.2. It has a built-in USB 2.0 Full-Speed transceiver. The transceiver incorporates the internal USB series termination resistors on the USB data lines and a 1.5k pull-up resistor on USBDP.
- Integrated USB termination resistors
- Two-channel configurable UART interface
- Supports parity, overrun and framing errors
- Supports flow control using CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR
- GPIOs linked to CapSense buttons
- Supports bus-/self-powered configurations
- USB Suspend mode for low power
- Supports multi-master I²C
- General-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins
Sensing & Instrumentation, Computers & Computer Peripherals, Communications & Networking