The RX64M Group 32-bit microcontrollers are capable of operating at up to 120 MHz, providing a leading edge performance of 4.55 CoreMark/MHz. The RX64M employs the powerfully evolved RXv2 core, which is backward compatible with the RX core employed in existing RX products. The RXv2 core enables 1.45 times the CoreMark/MHz performance and a 40% reduction in power consumption compared to existing RX products, and even higher code efficiency, allowing the realization of high-speed, low consumption systems.
The RX64M Group is equipped with large-capacity memory of up to 4 MB of ROM for code and 552 KB work RAM. Built-in functions include the well-received event link controller from the RX200 and abundant functions from the RX63N, as well as SD card and audio interfaces, which are highly demanded by the market, and IEEE 1588 industrial Ethernet functions have been added. Thus, the RX64M Group is suitable for industrial equipment, network devices, and other applications requiring advanced real-time performance and large-capacity memory. We are also preparing a variety of middleware to support short system development times at low cost.