The ADG1633BRUZ is a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) monolithic triple iCMOS® Analog Switch exhibit break-before-make switching action that prevents momentary shorting when switching channels. It uses an EN input to enable or disable the devices. When disabled, all channels are switched off. The ultralow on resistance and on-resistance flatness of these switches make them ideal solutions for data acquisition and gain switching applications, where low distortion is critical. iCMOS construction ensures ultralow power dissipation, making the parts ideally suited for many applications.
- No VL supply required
- 3V Logic-compatible inputs
- Rail-to-rail operation
- 1R On-resistance flatness
- Up to 206mA continuous current
- Communication systems
- Medical systems
- Audio signal routing
- Video signal routing
- Automatic test equipment
- Data acquisition systems
- Battery-powered systems
- Sample-and-hold systems
- Relay replacements
(Picture: Pinout)