The FSA3157P6X is a single-pole double-throw (SPDT) high-performance Analog Switch/2:1 multiplexer/de-multiplexer Bus Switch fabricated with advanced sub-micron CMOS technology to achieve high-speed enable and disable times and low on resistance. The break-before-make select circuitry prevents disruption of signals on the B Port due to both switches temporarily being enabled during select pin switching. The device is specified to operate over the 1.65 to 5.5V VCC operating range. The control input tolerates voltages up to 5.5V, independent of the VCC operating range. It is useful in both analog and digital applications.
- Rail-to-rail signal handling
- Over-voltage tolerance of control input to 7V
- Break-before-make enable circuitry
- 250MHz (3dB) Bandwidth
- Media Tablets
- Storage & Peripherals
- Mobile Handsets
- Wireless LAN Card & Broadband Access
- PMP/MP3 Players