The device has current-limiting and thermal shutdown featuresto protect against output short circuits and situations where thebus may be shorted to ground or power terminals in 24 V buspower systems. The part is fully specified over the industrialtemperature range of −40°C to +125°C and is available in an8-lead SOIC package.
Three operating modes are available: high speed, slope control,and standby. Pin 8 (RS) is used to select the operating mode.The low current standby mode can be selected by applying alogic high to RS.
The device can be set to operate with slope control to limit EMIby connecting RS with a resistor to ground to modify the riseand fall of slopes. This mode facilitates the use of unshieldedcables. Alternatively, disabling slope control by connecting RSto ground allows high speed operation. Shielded cables or othermeasures to control EMI are necessary in this mode.
- Physical layer CAN transceiver
- 5 V operation on VCC
- Complies with ISO 11898 standard
- High speed data rates up to 1 Mbps
- Short-circuit protection on CANH and CANL against shorts to power/ground in 24 V systems
- Unpowered nodes do not disturb the bus
- Connect 110 or more nodes on the bus
- Slope control for reduced EMI
- Thermal shutdown protection
- Low current standby mode
- Industrial operating temperature range (−40°C to +125°C)
- Available in 8-lead SOIC package
- CAN data buses
- Industrial field networks
- DeviceNet applications
- CanOpen, CanKingdom
(Picture: Pinout)