The TL16C752CIPFB is a dual universal asynchronous receivertransmitter (UART) with 64-byte FIFOs, automatic hardware and software flow control, and data ratesup to 3 Mbps. The device offers enhanced features. It has a transmission Character control register(TCR) that stores received FIFO threshold level to start or stop transmission during hardware andsoftware flow control.
With the FIFO RDY register, the software gets the status of TXRDY or RXRDY for all twoports in one access. On-chip status registers provide the user with error indications, operationalstatus, and modem interface control. System interrupts may be tailored to meet user requirements.An internal loop-back capability allows onboard diagnostics. The TL16C752CIPFB incorporates the functionality of two UARTs, each UART having its ownregister set and FIFOs. The two UARTs share only the data bus interface and clock source, otherwisethey operate independently. Another name for the UART function is asynchronous communicationselement (ACE), and these terms are used interchangeably. The bulk of this document describes thebehavior of each ACE, with the understanding that two such devices are incorporated into theTL16C752CIPFB device.
- SC16C752B andXR16M752 Pin Compatible With Additional Enhancements
- Support 1.8-V, 2.5-V,3.3-V, or 5-V Supply
- Characterized for Operation from –40°C to 85°C
- Supports upto:
- 48-MHz Oscillator Input Clock (3 Mbps) for 5-V Operation
- 32-MHz Oscillator Input Clock (2 Mbps) for 3.3-V Operation
- 24-MHz Input Clock (1.5 Mbps) for 2.5-V Operation
- 16-MHzInput Clock (1 Mbps) for 1.8-V Operation
- 64-Byte Transmit/Receive FIFO
- Software-Selectable Baud-Rate Generator
- Programmable andSelectable Transmit and Receive FIFO Trigger Levels for DMA, Interrupt Generation, and Software orHardware Flow Control
- Software/Hardware Flow Control
- Programmable Xon and Xoff Characters With Optional Xon Any Character
- Programmable Auto-RTS and Auto-CTS-Modem Control Functions (CTS, RTS, DSR,DTR, RI, and CD)
- DMA Signaling Capability for Both Received andTransmitted Data on PN Package
- RS-485 Mode Support
- Infrared Data Association (IrDA) Capability
- ProgrammableSleep Mode
- Programmable Serial Interface Characteristics
- 5, 6, 7, or 8-Bit Characters With 1, 1.5, or 2 Stop Bit Generation
- Even, Odd, or No Parity Bit Generation and Detection
- False Start Bit and Line BreakDetection
- Internal Test and Loopback Capabilities
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