The ADM4073FWRJZ-REEL7 is a high-side Current Sense Amplifier for small portable applications, such as cell phones, notebook computers, PDAs and other systems where current monitoring is required. The device is available in three different gain models, eliminating the need for gain-setting resistors. Because the ground path is not interrupted, the ADM4073FWRJZ-REEL7 is particularly useful in rechargeable battery-powered systems, while its wide 1.8MHz bandwidth makes it suitable for use inside battery-charger control loops. The input common-mode range of 2 to 28V is independent of the supply voltage. The voltage on the output pin is determined by the current flowing through the selectable external sense resistor and the gain of the version selected. The operating range is 3 to 28V with a typical supply current of 500µA.
- Compact and current-sense solution
- Pin-to-pin compatibility with the MAX4073
- ±1% Typical full-scale accuracy
- 500µA Supply current
- 2 to 28V Wide common-mode range
- 150°C Junction temperature
(Picture: Pinout)