The AD8605, AD8606, and AD8608 are single, dual, and quad rail-to-rail input and output, single-supply amplifiers. They feature very low offset voltage, low input voltage and current noise, and wide signal bandwidth. They use the Analog Devices, Inc. patented DigiTrim® trimming technique, which achieves superior precision without laser trimming.
The combination of low offsets, low noise, very low input bias currents, and high speed makes these amplifiers useful in a wide variety of applications. Filters, integrators, photodiode amplifiers, and high impedance sensors all benefit from the combination of performance features. Audio and other ac applications benefit from the wide bandwidth and low distortion. Applications for these amplifiers include optical control loops, portable and loop-powered instrumentation, and audio amplification for portable devices.
The AD8605, AD8606, and AD8608 are specified over the extended industrial temperature range (−40°C to +125°C). The AD8605 single is available in 5-lead SOT-23 and 5-ball WLCSP packages. The AD8606ARZ-REEL7 dual is available in an 8-lead MSOP, an 8-ball WLSCP, and a narrow SOIC surface-mounted package. The AD8608 quad is available in a 14-lead TSSOP package and a narrow 14-lead SOIC package. The 5-ball and 8-ball WLCSP offer the smallest available footprint for any surface-mounted operational amplifier. The WLCSP, SOT-23, MSOP, and TSSOP versions are available in tape-and-reel only.
- Low offset voltage: 65 μV maximum
- Low input bias currents: 1 pA maximum
- Low noise: 8 nV/√Hz
- Wide bandwidth: 10 MHz
- High open-loop gain: 1000 V/mV
- Unity gain stable
- Single-supply operation: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
- 5-ball WLCSP for single (AD8605), and 8-ball WLCSP for dual (AD8606)
- Photodiode amplification
- Battery-powered instrumentation
- Multipole filters
- Sensors
- Barcode scanners
- Audio
(Picture: Pinout)