The AD8615, AD8616ARMZ-REEL and AD8618 are single, dual and quadrail-to-rail input and output single supply amplifiers featuringvery low offset voltage, wide signal bandwidth, and low inputvoltage and current noise. These amplifiers use a patentedtrimming technique that achieves superior precision withoutlaser trimming. All are fully specified to operate from +2.7 V to+5 V single supply.
The combination of low offsets, low noise, very low input biascurrents, and high speed make these amplifiers useful in a widevariety of applications. Filters, integrators, photo-diodeamplifiers and high impedance sensors all benefit from thecombination of performance features. Audio and other ACapplications benefit from the wide bandwidth and lowdistortion.
- Low Offset Voltage: 80 µV typ. 300 µV max
- Single-Supply Operation: 2.7 to 5 V
- Low Noise: 8 nV/√Hz
- Wide Bandwidth: 20 MHz
- Slew Rate: 12 V/µs
- Low Distortion
- No Phase Reversal
- Low Input Bias Currents
- Unity Gain Stable