The Microchip’s MCP6471T-E/LTY family of operational amplifiers (op amps) has low input bias current (150 pA, typical at 125°C) and rail-to-rail input and output operation. This family is unity gain stable and has a gain bandwidth product of 2 MHz (typical). These devices operate with a single-supply voltage as low as 2.0V, while only drawing 100 µA/amplifier (typical) of quiescent current. These features make the family of op amps well suited for photodiode amplifier, pH electrode amplifier, low leakage amplifier, and battery powered signal conditioning applications, etc. The MCP6471T-E/LTY family is offered in SOT23 and SC70 packages. All devices are designed using anadvanced CMOS process and fully specified in extended temperature range from -40°C to +125°C.
- Low Input Bias Current:150 pA (typical, TA = +125°C)
- Gain-Bandwidth Product: 2 MHz
- Low Quiescent Current: 100 µA/amplifier (typical)
- Low Input Offset Voltage: 1.5 mV (max.)
- Unity Gain Stable
- Rail to Rail Input and Output
- Small Packages: SC70 and SOT23