The AD8661 / AD8662 / AD8664ARUZ are rail-to-rail output, single-supplyamplifiers that use the Analog Devices, Inc., patentedDigiTrim® trimming technique to achieve low offset voltage.The AD8661 / AD8662 / AD8664ARUZ series features extendedoperating ranges, with supply voltages up to 16 V. It alsofeatures low input bias current, wide signal bandwidth,and low input voltage and current noise.
The combination of low offset, very low input bias current,and a wide supply range makes these amplifiers useful in a widevariety of applications usually associated with higher priced JFETamplifiers. Systems using high impedance sensors, such asphotodiodes, benefit from the combination of low input biascurrent, low noise, low offset, and wide bandwidth. The wideoperating voltage range meets the demands of high performanceanalog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analogconverters (DACs). Audio applications and medical monitoringequipment can take advantage of the high input impedance, lowvoltage, low current noise, and wide bandwidth.
The single AD8661 is available in a narrow 8-lead SOIC packageand a very thin, dual lead, 8-lead LFCSP. The AD8661 SOICpackage is specified over the extended industrial temperaturerange of −40°C to +125°C. The AD8661 LFCSP is specified overthe industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. The AD8662is available in a narrow 8-lead SOIC package and an 8-lead MSOP,both specified over the extended industrial temperature range of−40°C to +125°C. The AD8664ARUZ is available in a narrow 14-leadSOIC package and a 14-lead TSSOP, both with an extendedindustrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.
- Low offset voltage: 100 µV maximum at VS = 5 V
- Low input bias current: 1 pA maximum
- Single-supply operation: 5 V to 16 V
- Low noise: 10 nV/√Hz
- Wide bandwidth: 4 MHz
- Unity-gain stable
- Small package options
- 3 mm × 3 mm 8-lead LFCSP
- 8-lead MSOP and narrow SOIC
- 14-lead TSSOP and narrow SOIC
- Sensors
- Medical equipment
- Consumer audio
- Photodiode amplification
- ADC drivers
(Picture: Pinout)