The TS274ACN devices are low cost, quad operational amplifiers designed to operate with single or dual supplies. These operational amplifiers use the ST silicon gate CMOS process giving an excellent consumption-speed ratio. These series are ideally suited for low consumption applications.
Three power consumptions are available thus offering the best consumption-speed ratio for your application:I CC= 10μA/amp.: TS27L4 (very low power) I CC= 150μA/amp.: TS27M4 (low power) I CC= 1mA/amp.: TS274ACN (standard)
These CMOS amplifiers offer very high input impedance and extremely low input currents. The major advantage versus JFET devices is the very low input currents drift with temperature (see Figure 5 on page 6).
For enhanced features of TS274, in particular rail-to-rail capability and low offset voltage, two new families, TSV91x and TSV99x will better suit low voltage applications.
- Output voltage can swing to ground
- Gain bandwidth product: 3.5MHz
- Excellent phase margin on capacitive loads
- Two input offset voltage selections
- Unity gain stable