Si8920AD-IS devices are galvanically isolated analog amplifiers. The low voltage, differential input is ideal for measuring voltage across a current shunt resistor or for any place where a sensor must be isolated from the control system. The output is a differential analog signal amplified by either 8.1x or 16.2x. The very low signal delay of the Si8920AD-IS allows control systems to respond quickly to fault conditions or changes in load. Low offset and gain drift ensure that accuracy is maintained over the entire operating temperature range. Exceptionally high common mode transient immunity means that the Si8920AD-IS will deliver accurate measurements even in the presence of high power switching like would be found in a motor drive system or inverter. It supports up to 5 kVrms withstand voltage per UL1577. This technology enables higher performance, reduced variation with temperature and age, tighter part-to-part matching and longer lifetimes compared to other isolation technologies.
- Isolation Rating (kV rms):5
- Initial Accuracy:1.5%
- Package:WB SOIC16
- Isolation Rating (kV rms):5
- Initial Accuracy:1.5%
- Package:WB SOIC16