The ADCMP605BCPZ-WP is a rail-to-rail very fast single-supply LVDS Comparator fabricated on the proprietary XFCB2 process. It is exceptionally versatile and easy to use. Features include an input range from VEE - 0.5V to VCCI + 0.2V, low noise, LVDS-compatible output drivers and TTL/CMOS latch inputs with adjustable hysteresis and shut-down inputs. The devices offer 1.5ns propagation delays with 1psrms random jitter (RJ). Overdrive and slew rate dispersion are typically less than 50ps. A flexible power supply scheme allows the device to operate with a single 2.5V positive supply and -0.5 to 2.7V input signal range up to a 5.5V positive supply with -0.5 to 5.7V input signal range. The comparator input stage offers robust protection against large input overdrive and the outputs do not phase reverse when the valid input signal range is exceeded. High speed latch and programmable hysteresis features are also provided in unique single-pin control option.
- Low glitch
- Shutdown pin
- Single-pin control for programmable hysteresis and latch
- >60dB Power supply rejection
- High speed instrumentation
- Clock and data signal restoration
- Logic level shifting or translation
- Pulse spectroscopy
- High speed line receivers
- Threshold detection
- Peak and zero-crossing detectors
- High speed trigger circuitry
- Pulse-width modulators
- Current-/voltage-controlled oscillators
- Automatic test equipment (ATE)
(Picture: Pinout)