The AD96687BQ is an ultrafast dual Voltage Comparator with 2.5ns propagation delay, the AD96687BQ is an equally fast dual comparator. This device features 50ps propagation delay dispersion which is a particularly important characteristic of high-speed comparators. It is a measure of the difference in propagation delay under differing overdrive conditions. A fast, high precision differential input stage permits consistent propagation delay with a wide variety of signals in the common-mode range from -2.5 to 5V. Outputs are complementary digital signals fully compatible with ECL 10K and 10KH logic families. The outputs provide sufficient drive current to directly drive transmission lines terminated in 50R to -2V. A level sensitive latch input which permits tracking, track-hold or sample-hold modes of operation is included.
- Low power - 118mW per comparator
- ECL Logic compatibility