The MAX900–MAX903ESA high-speed, low-power, single/dual/quad voltage comparators feature differential analog inputs and TTL-logic outputs with active internal pullups. Fast propagation delay (8ns typ at 5mV overdrive) makes the MAX900–MAX903ESA ideal for fast A/D converters and sampling circuits, line receivers, V/F converters, and many other data-discrimination applications. All comparators can be powered from separate analog and digital power supplies or from a single combined supply voltage. The analog input common-mode range includes the negative rail, allowing ground sensing when powered from a single supply. The MAX900–MAX903ESA consume 18mW per comparator when powered from +5V. The MAX900–MAX903ESA are equipped with independent TTL-compatible latch inputs. The comparator output states are held when the latch inputs are driven low. The MAX901 provides the same performance as the MAX900/MAX902/MAX903ESA with the exception of the latches. For newer, pin-for-pin compatible parts with the same speed and only half the power dissipation, see the MAX9201/MAX9202/MAX9203 data sheet.
- 8ns (typ) Propagation Delay
- 18mW/Comparator Power Consumption (+5V, typ)
- Separate Analog and Digital Supplies
- Flexible Analog Supply: +5V to +10V or ±5V
- Input Range Includes Negative Supply Rail
- TTL-Compatible Outputs
- TTL-Compatible Latch Inputs (Except MAX901)
- High-Speed A/D Converters
- High-Speed Data Sampling
- High-Speed V/F Converters
- Input Trigger Circuitry
- Line Receivers
- PWM Circuits
- Threshold Detectors