A range of analogue multipliers and dividers from Analog Devices suitable for a variety of signal processing applications. Both two and four quadrant types are available, in through-hole and SMT page options. Typical applications for these devices include differential ratio and percentage computations, algebraic and trigonometric function synthesis, accurate voltage controlled oscillators and filters, modulators and demodulators, gain control and rms-to-dc conversion.
- Pretrimmed to ±0.25% max 4-Quadrant Error (AD534L)
- All Inputs (X, Y and Z) Differential, High Impedance for [(X1 - X2) (Y1 - Y2)/10 V] + Z2 Transfer Function
- Scale-Factor Adjustable to Provide up to X100 Gain
- Low Noise Design: 90 µV rms, 10 Hz-10 kHz
- Low Cost, Monolithic Construction
- Excellent Long Term Stability
- High quality analog signal processing
- Differential ratio and percentage computations
- Algebraic and trigonometric function synthesis
- Wideband, high crest rms-to-dc conversion<
- Accurate voltage controlled oscillators and filters
- Available in chip form