The CY14E256LA-SZ45XI is a 256kB fast static Random Access Memory (RAM) with a nonvolatile element in each memory cell. The memory is organized as 32kB. The embedded nonvolatile elements incorporate QuantumTrap technology, producing the worlds most reliable nonvolatile memory. The SRAM provides infinite read and write cycles, while independent nonvolatile data resides in the highly reliable QuantumTrap cell. Data transfers from the SRAM to the nonvolatile elements (the STORE operation) takes place automatically at power-down. On power-up, data is restored to the SRAM (the RECALL operation) from the nonvolatile memory. Both the STORE and RECALL operations are also available under software control.
- 45ns Access time
- Hands off automatic STORE on power-down with only a small capacitor
- RECALL to SRAM initiated by software or power-up
- Infinite read, write and recall cycles
- 20-Year data retention