Before we find the place where to buy NCP1207ADR2G,we should know the info:inventory, manufacturer,Package/Case.
Better to check NCP1207ADR2G image.
You should also know the parameters:what type of electronic parts,Output Current,Input Voltage,Operating temperature range,Package type,Operating Frequency etc.
View the NCP1207ADR2G datasheet to confirm the model.
You can buy NCP1207ADR2G with lower price in 9icnet.We will test it to ensure its quality.
Want to find replaceable NCP1207ADR2G,more NCP1207ADR2G informations to contact Tech-supports team please.
- Free-running borderline/critical mode quasi-resonant operation
- Current-mode with adjustable skip-cycle capability
- No auxiliary winding VCC operation
- Auto-recovery over-current protection
- Latching over-voltage protection
- External latch triggering via over-temperature signal
- Adjustable skip level
- Internal temperature shutdown
- Direct opto coupler connection
- SPICE models available for transient analysis