The ADN8810ACPZ is a 12-bit Current Source with an adjustable full-scale output current of up to 300mA. The full-scale output current is set with two external sense resistors. The output compliance voltage is 2.5V, even at output currents up to 300mA. The device is particularly suited for tuneable laser control and can drive tuneable laser front mirror, back mirror, phase, gain and amplification sections. A host CPU or microcontroller controls the operation of the ADN8810ACPZ over a 3-wire SPI interface. The 3-bit address allows up to eight devices to be independently controlled while attached to the same SPI bus. The ADN8810ACPZ is guaranteed with ±4LSB INL and ±0.75LSB DNL. Noise and digital feed-through are kept low to ensure low jitter operation for laser diode applications.
- Low noise
- Long term stability
- Output fault indication
- Low drift
- Programmable maximum current
- 3-wire Serial interface
- Tunable laser current source
- Programmable high output current source
- Automatic test equipment
(Picture: Pinout)