A range of full-bridge drivers designed to control MOSFET and IGBT power devices in 3-phase applications. The devices feature a maximum blocking voltage of 600 V and low-side control using CMOS and TTL compatible signal levels.
- Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation
- Fully operational to +600 V
- dV/dt immune
- Gate drive supply range from 10 V/12 V to 20 V DC and up to 25 V for transient
- Undervoltage lockout for all channels
- Over-current shutdown turns off all six drivers
- Independent 3 half-bridge drivers
- Matched propagation delay for all channels
- 2.5 V logic compatible
- Outputs out of phase with inputs
- Motor control and drives
- Robotics
- Home and building automation
- Power tools
- 3D printers