The UCC2732x-Q1 family of high-speed drivers delivers 9 A of peak drive current in an industrystandard pinout. These drivers can drive large MOSFETs for systems requiring extreme Miller current due to high dV/dt transitions. This eliminates additional external circuits and can replace multiple components to reduce space, design complexity, and assembly cost. Two standard logic options are offered, inverting (UCC27321-Q1) and noninverting (UCC27322-Q1). Using a design that minimizes shoot-through current, the outputs of these devices can provide high gate drive current where it is most needed at the Miller plateau region during the MOSFET switching transition. A unique hybrid-output stage paralleling bipolar and MOSFET transistors (TrueDrive) allows efficient current delivery at low supply voltages. With this drive architecture, UCC2732x-Q1 can be used in industry standard 6-A, 9-A, and many 12-A driver applications. Latch-up and ESD protection circuits are also included. Finally, the UCC2732x-Q1 provides an enable (ENBL) function to better control the operation of the driver applications. ENBL is implemented on pin 3, which was previously left unused in the industry-standard pinout. It is internally pulled up to VDD for active-high logic and can be left open for standard operation.
• Qualified for Automotive Applications
• AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results:
– Device Temperature Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range
– Device HBM ESD Classification Level 2
– Device CDM ESD Classification Level C6
• Industry-Standard Pinout With Addition of Enable Function
• High Peak-Current Drive Capability of ±9 A at the Miller Plateau Region Using TrueDrive™ Technology
• Efficient Constant-Current Sourcing Using a Unique Bipolar and CMOS Output Stage
• TTL and CMOS-Compatible Inputs Independent of Supply Voltage
• 20-ns Typical Rise and 15-ns Typical Fall Times With 10-nF Load
• Typical Propagation Delay Times of 25 ns With Input Falling and 35 ns With Input Rising
• 4-V to 15-V Supply Voltage
• Available in Thermally Enhanced MSOP PowerPAD™ Package
• TrueDrive Output Architecture Using Bipolar and CMOS Transistors in Parallel
- Qualified for Automotive Applications
- AEC-Q100 Qualified With the Following Results:
- Device Temperature Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C Ambient Operating Temperature Range
- Device HBM ESD Classification Level 2
- Device CDM ESD Classification Level C6
- Industry-Standard Pinout With Addition of Enable Function
- High Peak-Current Drive Capability of ±9 A at the Miller Plateau Region Using TrueDrive? Technology
- Efficient Constant-Current Sourcing Using a Unique Bipolar and CMOS Output Stage
- TTL and CMOS-Compatible Inputs Independent of Supply Voltage
- 20-ns Typical Rise and 15-ns Typical Fall Times With 10-nF Load
- Typical Propagation Delay Times of 25 ns With Input Falling and 35 ns With Input Rising
- 4-V to 15-V Supply Voltage
- Available in Thermally Enhanced MSOP PowerPAD? Package
- TrueDrive Output Architecture Using Bipolar and CMOS Transistors in Parallel
The UCC2732x-Q1 family of high-speed drivers delivers 9 A of peak drive current in an industry-standard pinout. These drivers can drive large MOSFETs for systems requiring extreme Miller current due to high dV/dt transitions. This eliminates additional external circuits and can replace multiple components to reduce space, design complexity, and assembly cost. Two standard logic options are offered, inverting (UCC27321-Q1) and noninverting (UCC27322-Q1).
Using a design that minimizes shoot-through current, the outputs of these devices can provide high gate drive current where it is most needed at the Miller plateau region during the MOSFET switching transition. A unique hybrid-output stage paralleling bipolar and MOSFET transistors (TrueDrive) allows efficient current delivery at low supply voltages. With this drive architecture, UCC2732x-Q1 can be used in industry standard 6-A, 9-A, and many 12-A driver applications. Latch-up and ESD protection circuits are also included. Finally, the UCC2732x-Q1 provides an enable (ENBL) function to better control the operation of the driver applications. ENBL is implemented on pin 3, which was previously left unused in the industry-standard pinout. It is internally pulled up to VDD for active-high logic and can be left open for standard operation.
In addition to 8-pin SOIC (D) package offerings, the UCC2732x-Q1 also comes in the thermally enhanced but tiny 8-pin MSOP-PowerPAD (DGN) package. The PowerPAD package drastically lowers the thermal resistance to extend the temperature operation range and improve long-term reliability.