The LTC1157CS8 dual 3.3V micropower MOSFET gate driver makes it possible to switch either supply or ground reference loads through a low RDS(ON) Nchannel switch (N-channel switches are required at 3.3V because P-channel MOSFETS do not have guaranteed RDS(ON) with VGS ≤ 3.3V).The LTC1157CS8 internal charge pump boosts the gate drive voltage 5.4V above the positive rail (8.7V above ground), fully enhancing a logic level N-channel switch for 3.3V high-side applications and a standard N-channel switch for 3.3V low-side applications.
The gate drive voltage at 5V is typically 8.8V above supply (13.8V above ground), so standard N-channel MOSFET switches can be used for both high-side and low-side applications.Micropower operation, with 3µA standby current and 80µA operating current, makes the LTC1157CS8 well suited for battery-powered applications.
The LTC1157CS8 is available in both 8-pin DIP and SOIC.
- Allows Lowest Drop 3.3V Supply Switching
- Operates on 3.3V or 5V Nominal Supplies
- 3 Microamps Standby Current
- 80 Microamps ON Current
- Drives Low Cost N-Channel Power MOSFETs
- No External Charge Pump Components
- Controlled Switching ON and OFF Times
- Compatible with 3.3V and 5V Logic Families
- Available in 8-Pin SOIC
- Notebook Computer Power Management
- Palmtop Computer Power Management
- P-Channel Switch Replacement
- Battery Charging and Management
- Mixed 5V and 3.3V Supply Switching
- Stepper Motor and DC Motor Control
- Cellular Telephones and Beepers