The FAN73901MX is a monolithic high- and low-side gate-drive IC, which can drive high speed MOSFETs and IGBTs that operate up to +600V. It has a buffered output stage with all NMOS transistors designed for high pulse current driving capability and minimum cross-conduction. Fairchild’s high-voltage process and common-mode noise canceling techniques provide stable operation of the high-side driver under high dv/dt noise circumstances. An advanced level shift circuit offers high-side gate driver operation up to VS=-9.8V (typical) for VBS=15V. The UVLO circuit prevents malfunction when VDD and VBS are lower than the specified threshold voltage. The high current and low output voltage drop feature make this device suitable for the PDP sustain pulse driver, motor driver, switching power supply, and high-power DC-DC converter applications.
- Floating Channels for Bootstrap Operation to +600V
- Typically 4.5A/4.5A Sourcing/Sinking Current DrivingCapability
- Common-Mode dv/dt Noise Canceling Circuit
- Built-in Under-Voltage Lockout for Both Channels
- Matched Propagation Delay for Both Channels
- Logic (VSS) and Power (COM) Ground +/- 7V Offset
- 3.3V and 5V Input Logic Compatible
- Output In-phase with Input