STMicroelectronics STAP08DP05/STAP16DPPS05/STAP16DPS05 LED Display Driver ICs are monolithic, low voltage, low current power 8-bit or 16-bit shift registers designed for LED panel displays. Each device contains either an 8-bit or 16-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit or 16-bit D-type storage register. In the output stage, eight or sixteen regulated current sources are designed to provide 5-100mA (3-40mA for the STAP16DPPS05) constant current to drive the LEDs. The detection circuit checks 3 different conditions that can occur on the output line: short to GND, short to VO or open line. The data detection results are loaded in the shift register and shifted out via the serial line output. The 3.3V of voltage supply is very useful for applications that interface any microcontroller from 3.3V.
- Lowvoltagepowersupplydownto3V
- 8constantcurrentoutputchannels
- Adjustableoutputcurrentthroughexternalresistor
- Shortandopenoutputerrordetection
- SerialdataIN/paralleldataOUT
- Abletodrive3.3Vmicrocontroller
- Outputcurrent:5-100mA
- 30MHzclockfrequency
- AvailableinhighthermalefficiencyTSSOPexposedpad
- ESDprotection2.5kVHBM