TLE 4205 is an integrated power full-bridge DC-motor driver for a wide temperature range, as required in automotive applications for example. The circuit contains two power comparators that can be combined to a full-bridge circuit. For inductive loads there are integrated free-wheeling diodes to +VS and ground. The outputs are short-circuit proof up to 18 V supply voltage to ground and turn off when overtemperature occurs. This IC is especially suitable for headlight-beam adjustment in automobiles.
- Max. driver current 1 A
- Integrated free-wheeling diodes
- Short-circuit proof to ground
- Inhibit
- ESD protected inputs
- Temperature range – 40°C≤Tj≤150°C
- Wide supply voltage range allows usage for 12V and 24V applications
- Vertical light leveling using servo motors
- Applications with smalll servo motors