The MIC2040 and MIC2041-2BMM are high side MOSFET switches optimized for general purpose power distribution applications that require circuit protection. The devices switch up to 5.5V and as low as 0.8V while offering both programmable current limiting and thermal shutdown to protect the device and the load. A fault status output is provided in order to detect overcurrent and thermal shutdown fault conditions. Both devices employ soft start circuitry to minimize the inrush current in applications that employ highly capacitive loads. Additionally, the MIC2040/41 is suited for multi-port USB applications to satisfy upstream/downstream power requirements. The MIC2041-2BMM features a auto-reset circuit breaker mode that latches the output off upon detecting an overcurrent condition lasting more than 28ms. The output is reset by removing or reducing the load.
- 75mΩ max. on-resistance
- 0.8V to 5.5V operating range
- Adjustable current limit
- Up to 1.5A continuous output current
- Short circuit protection with thermal shutdown
- Circuit breaker mode (MIC2041)
- Fault status flag
- Undervoltage lockout
- Output MOSFET reverse current flow block when disabled
- Very fast reaction to short-circuits
- Low quiescent current