The MAPP-002729-300M00 is a common-base, Class-C,Sbandpallet amplifier designed to streamline time-to-market.The transistors are DC-isolated to optimize current balanceand enable individual current monitoring. A wide-trace Wilkinsoncombiner maximizes consistency and reduces loss. Inaddition, the wide traces simplify connection to 50O circuits onany PCB material. The pallet includes a gain compensationnetwork at the input for ultra-flat gain vs. frequency response.
- Input and Output Matched to 50O
- MTTF>1x106 hrs.@Tflange=45°C
- Nickel/Gold Plated Copper Flange
- NPN Silicon Power Transistor
- Includes RC Bias Filter
- 36VCC, 44W Nominal Input RF Drive Level
- 350W, 46% Efficiency; Typical RF Performance
- Gain: 8.3 dB
- Bias Voltage: 36 V
- Efficiency: 40 %
- Pout: 300 W
- Min Frequency: 2,700 MHz
- Max Frequency: 2,900 MHz