The 72V04L15JG8 is a 4K x 9 dual-port FIFO that operates at Vcc between 3.0V and 3.6V. The device will load and empty data on a first-in/first-out basis. It uses Full and Empty flags to prevent data overflow and underflow. It has a Retransmit (RT) capability that allows for reset of the read pointer to its initial position when RT is pulsed LOW. It is designed for applications requiring asynchronous and simultaneous read/writes in multiprocessing and rate buffer applications.
- Functionally compatible with 720x family
- Low-power consumption
- 15 ns access time
- Asynchronous and simultaneous read and write
- Fully expandable by both word depth and/or bit width
- Status Flags: Empty, Half-Full, Full
- Auto-retransmit capability
- Available in 32-pin PLCC
- Industrial temperature range (–40C to +85C) is available