The MAX9075/MAX9077EUA single/dual comparators are optimized for 3V and 5V single-supply applications. These comparators have a 580ns propagation delay and consume just 3μA per comparator. The combination of low-power, single-supply operation down to 2.1V, and ultra-small footprint makes these devices ideal for all portable applications. The MAX9075/MAX9077EUA have a common-mode input voltage range of -0.2V to VCC - 1.2V. Unlike many comparators, there is no differential clamp between the inputs, allowing the differential input voltage range to extend rail-to-rail. All inputs and outputs tolerate a continuous short-circuit fault condition to either rail. The design of the output stage limits supply-current surges while switching (typical of many other comparators), minimizing power consumption under dynamic conditions. Large internal push-pull output drivers allow rail-to-rail output swing with loads up to 2mA, making these devices ideal for interface with TTL/CMOS logic. The MAX9075 single comparator is available in 5-pin SC70 and SOT23 packages, while the MAX9077EUA dual comparator is available in 8-pin SOT23, μMAX, and SO packages.
- 580ns Propagation Delay from Only 3μA
- 2.1V to 5.5V Single-Supply Operation
- Ground-Sensing Inputs
- Rail-to-Rail Outputs
- No Output Phase Inversion for Overdriven Inputs
- No Differential Clamp Across Inputs
- Available in Ultra-Small Packages
- 5-Pin SC70 (MAX9075)
- 8-Pin SOT23 (MAX9077)
- Battery-Powered Systems
- Digital-Line Receivers
- IR Receivers
- Keyless Entry
- Threshold Detectors/Discriminators