The HCF4060M013TR device is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) technology available in SO16 and PDIP16 packages.
The HCF4060M013TR device consists of an oscillator section and 14 ripple carry binary counter stages.
The oscillator configuration allows design of either RC or crystal oscillator circuits. A RESET input is provided which resets the counter to the all 0’s state and disables the oscillator. A high level on the RESET line accomplishes the reset function. All counter stages are master slave flip-flops. The state of the counter is advanced one step in binary order on the negative transition of φ1 (and φ0). All inputs and outputs are fully buffered. Schmitt trigger action on the clock pin permits unlimited clock rise and fall time.
- HBM: 1 kV
- MM: 200 V
- CDM: 1 kV