The AD1582/AD1583/AD1584/AD1585 are low cost, low power, low dropout, precision band gap references. These designs are available as 3-terminal (series) devices and are packaged in the compact SOT-23, 3-lead surface-mount package. The versatility of these references makes them ideal for use in battery-powered 3 V or 5 V systems where there can be wide variations in supply voltage and a need to minimize power dissipation.
The superior accuracy and temperature stability of the AD1582/AD1583/AD1584/AD1585BRT-REEL7 result from the precise matching and thermal tracking of on-chip components. Patented temperature drift curvature correction design techniques minimize the nonlinearities in the voltage output temperature characteristic.
The AD1582/AD1583/AD1584/AD1585BRT-REEL7 series mode devices source or sink up to 5 mA of load current and operate efficiently with only 200 mV of required headroom supply. These parts draw a maximum 70 μA of quiescent current with only a 1.0 μA/V variation with supply voltage. The advantage of these designs over conventional shunt devices is extraordinary. Valuable supply current is no longer wasted through an input series resistor, and maximum power efficiency is achieved at all input voltage levels.
The AD1582/AD1583/AD1584/AD1585BRT-REEL7 are available in two grades, A and B, and are provided in a tiny footprint, the SOT-23. All grades are specified over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +125°C.
- Series reference (2.5 V, 3 V, 4.096 V, 5 V)
- Low quiescent current: 70 µA maximum
- Current output capability: ±5 mA
- Wide supply range: VIN = VOUT + 200 mV to 12 V
- Wideband noise (10 Hz to 10 kHz): 50 µV rms
- Specified temperature range: −40°C to +125°C
- Compact, surface-mount SOT-23 package
- Qualified for automotive applications
- Portable, battery-powered equipment; for example, notebook computers, cellular phones, pagers, PDAs, GPSs, and DMMs
- Computer workstations; suitable for use with a wide range of video RAMDACs
- Smart industrial transmitters
- PCMCIA cards
- Automotive
- Hard disk drives
- 3 V/5 V, 8-bit/12-bit data converters
(Picture: Pinout)