

  • 描述:逻辑类型: 二进制计数器 电源电压: 2 V ~ 6 V 每个元件的位数: four 计数速度率: 24兆赫 供应商设备包装: 16-SOIC 安装类别: 表面安装
  • 品牌: 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 交期:2-3 工作日
  • 自营
  • 得捷
  • 贸泽

起订量: 1

数量 单价 合计
1+ 2.04493 2.04493
200+ 0.79135 158.27180
500+ 0.76361 381.80950
1000+ 0.74985 749.85000
  • 库存: 11013
  • 单价: ¥2.04493
  • 数量:
    - +
  • 总计: ¥2.04

温馨提示: 请填写以下信息,以便客户代表及时与您沟通联系。


  • 逻辑类型 二进制计数器
  • 部件状态 可供货
  • 元件数量 one
  • 重置 -
  • 每个元件的位数 four
  • 定时 同步的
  • 正反器类别 上升沿
  • 安装类别 表面安装
  • 制造厂商 德州仪器 (Texas)
  • 定向 向上,向下
  • 计数速度率 24兆赫
  • 电源电压 2 V ~ 6 V
  • 工作温度 -40摄氏度~85摄氏度
  • 包装/外壳 16-SOIC(0.154“,3.90毫米宽)
  • 供应商设备包装 16-SOIC

SN74HC191D 产品详情

The ’HC191 devices are 4-bit synchronous, reversible, up/down binary counters. Synchronous counting operation is provided by having all flip-flops clocked simultaneously so that the outputs change coincident with each other when instructed by the steering logic. This mode of operation eliminates the output counting spikes normally associated with asynchronous (ripple-clock) counters.

The outputs of the four flip-flops are triggered on a low- to high-level transition of the clock (CLK) input if the count-enable (CTEN)\ input is low. A high at CTEN\ inhibits counting. The direction of the count is determined by the level of the down/up (D/U\) input. When D/U\ is low, the counter counts up, and when D/U\ is high, it counts down.

These counters feature a fully independent clock circuit. Change at the control (CTEN\ and D/U\) inputs that modifies the operating mode have no effect on the contents of the counter until clocking occurs. The function of the counter is dictated solely by the condition meeting the stable setup and hold times.

These counters are fully programmable; that is, each of the outputs can be preset to either level by placing a low on the load (LOAD)\ input and entering the desired data at the data inputs. The output changes to agree with the data inputs independently of the level of CLK. This feature allows the counters to be used as modulo-N dividers simply by modifying the count length with the preset inputs.

Two outputs are available to perform the cascading function: ripple clock (RCO)\ and maximum/minimum (MAX/MIN) count. MAX/MIN produces a high-level output pulse with a duration approximately equal to one complete cycle of the clock while the count is zero (all outputs low) counting down, or maximum (9 or 15) counting up. RCO\ produces a low-level output pulse under those same conditions, but only while CLK is low. The counters can be cascaded easily by feeding RCO\ to CTEN\ of the succeeding counter if parallel clocking is used, or to CLK if parallel enabling is used. MAX/MIN can be used to accomplish look ahead for high-speed operation.


  • Wide Operating Voltage Range of 2 V to 6 V
  • Outputs Can Drive Up To 10 LSTTL Loads
  • Low Power Consumption, 80-μA Max ICC
  • Typical tpd = 13 ns
  • ±4-mA Output Drive at 5 V
  • Low Input Current of 1 μA Max
  • Single Down/Up Count-Control Line
  • Look-Ahead Circuitry Enhances Speed of Cascaded Counters
  • Fully Synchronous in Count Modes
  • Asynchronously Presettable With Load Control

The ’HC191 devices are 4-bit synchronous, reversible, up/down binary counters. Synchronous counting operation is provided by having all flip-flops clocked simultaneously so that the outputs change coincident with each other when instructed by the steering logic. This mode of operation eliminates the output counting spikes normally associated with asynchronous (ripple-clock) counters.

The outputs of the four flip-flops are triggered on a low- to high-level transition of the clock (CLK) input if the count-enable (CTEN)\ input is low. A high at CTEN\ inhibits counting. The direction of the count is determined by the level of the down/up (D/U\) input. When D/U\ is low, the counter counts up, and when D/U\ is high, it counts down.

These counters feature a fully independent clock circuit. Change at the control (CTEN\ and D/U\) inputs that modifies the operating mode have no effect on the contents of the counter until clocking occurs. The function of the counter is dictated solely by the condition meeting the stable setup and hold times.

These counters are fully programmable; that is, each of the outputs can be preset to either level by placing a low on the load (LOAD)\ input and entering the desired data at the data inputs. The output changes to agree with the data inputs independently of the level of CLK. This feature allows the counters to be used as modulo-N dividers simply by modifying the count length with the preset inputs.

Two outputs are available to perform the cascading function: ripple clock (RCO)\ and maximum/minimum (MAX/MIN) count. MAX/MIN produces a high-level output pulse with a duration approximately equal to one complete cycle of the clock while the count is zero (all outputs low) counting down, or maximum (9 or 15) counting up. RCO\ produces a low-level output pulse under those same conditions, but only while CLK is low. The counters can be cascaded easily by feeding RCO\ to CTEN\ of the succeeding counter if parallel clocking is used, or to CLK if parallel enabling is used. MAX/MIN can be used to accomplish look ahead for high-speed operation.

SN74HC191D所属分类:计数器/触发器芯片,SN74HC191D 由 德州仪器 (Texas) 设计生产,可通过久芯网进行购买。SN74HC191D价格参考¥2.044931,你可以下载 SN74HC191D中文资料、PDF数据手册、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,可查询SN74HC191D规格参数、现货库存、封装信息等信息!

德州仪器 (Texas)

德州仪器 (Texas)


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